How to use WordPress API with Python (example)
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the WordPress API with Python. The WP API is an Application Programming Interface that allows...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the WordPress API with Python. The WP API is an Application Programming Interface that allows...
In this beginner Python tutorial, you will learn about the 3 ways that you can use to run Python. Along the way, you will...
Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for any website hoping to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs). One way to improve your...
In this tutorial, you will learn about how to use the git clone command to clone an existing repository from a remote. Cloning a...
Data visualization is critical for data analysis. Without it, it is challenging, or sometimes even impossible to share insights on your data. In this...
In this article, we will learn what HTTP Requests are, and how you can leverage them in SEO, web scraping and building web applications....
Git is a version control tool that allows you to manage versions of your files on your local machine. To be able to use...
Github is a cloud based Git repository hosting platform. Github will be of great use when trying to do SEO automation and Machine Learning...
The easiest way to get started with Python is to use Google Colab since it does not require the installation of Python or any...
A version control system is a tool to help developers manage changes made to files and directories. There are multiple version control systems, but...
Strings in Python are stored as a str data type. A Python string is a sequence of characters enclosed in single or double quotes....
In Python programming, a variable is a container that stores data values. Creating a Variable in Python Output Variables Can Have Multiple Data Types...
Staging in Git means to change the state of a modified file to an intermediate step called staged, ready to be committed. Git has...
A git repository is the location where is stored the data related to your files, directories and git history for a Git Project. In...
In Python, a list is an ordered sequence of items. Python lists are one of the 4 data types used to store collections of...
Git diff is a Git command that can be used to compare differences between files. The git diff command runs a diff function on...
In this tutorial, we will use the Python Requests library in order to fetch data from the Wikidata API. We will learn in detail...
In this Python for Beginners tutorial chapter, you will learn how to install Python on MacOS and Windows. For each, we will look at...
Python dictionaries are an unordered collection of key-value pairs. Dictionaries are a mappings data type used to store collections of data. The 4 data...
Job search in Google’s job search engine (also known as Google for Jobs) isn’t exactly the same as their regular search engine. In fact,...
Read this post if you want to learn how to create Python files from terminal. A Python file (or script) is a file written...
Welcome to this tutorial where we will learn how to use the Flickr API with Python. Documentation What is the Flickr API Flickr has...
The teleport API allows to gather data about a geographical areas for free. Teleport allows you to gather data from cities such as: In...
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple pull request on Github. For this to be clearer, I have my friend’s...
The Git configuration file is used to store the configuration of a git repository. If you have never used Git before, you likely need...
In this tutorial, we will learn how to easily create or delete branches from a Git Repository on Github. What Are Branches? Branches are...
How does Google handle duplicate content on the Web? One of the many ways is that they compare URL patterns to predict which ones...
In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to install Python on Windows 10. Make sure that you follow each step without skipping ahead. Installing...
How does Google know if two documents are duplicate when portions of the document change at a high rate? The patent titled “Updating search...
Hashing is the process of transforming a key or a string of characters into another value. The conversion is done using a hashing algorithm...
There are a lot of free Github repositories out there to learn Machine Learning and Data Science. Here are the BEST 6 Free repositories...
An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a way of communication between various software components. It is a method in which applications give access to their...
How does Google know if a document if fresh? Better yet, from that knowledge, does Google Search use document freshness in ranking? This article...
Google Colab is a free Jupyter notebook that allows to run Python in the browser without the need for complex configuration. It comes with...
In this post, I will explain what a document is when referred to by Google. What is a Document? According to various patents, a...
Query categorization can be used by Google to improve image search results by comparing image annotations to query categories. In this post, I will...
In this guide, I will show you how to use Regex for SEO, even if you have no programming knowledge.
Here is how you can upload a file or a folder to your Github repository using Git Bash. To push code to a Github...
The simplest way to do automation with Python is by using crontab (cron) on Mac or Task Scheduler on Windows. In this guide, you...
In this article, I will cover some of what I have learned reading the “Ranking Search Results” Google patent by Navneet Panda and Vladimir...
Google’s “Image retrieval” patent is about how the Google Image Search Engine manages duplicate images and how the collections of duplicate images are ranked...
User behaviour impacts rankings. What if your web page ranks 9th for a query? Your page may not get much user behaviour data to...
In this post, we will learn in great details how the Google’s Image Search Engine works and the engineering behind it. In this article...
Have you ever wondered how Google decides whether or not they should, or even where to show images in web search results? In this...
In this post, I will cover some of what I have learned reading the Google patent titled “Selection of an Image or Images Most...
In this post, I will cover some of what I have learned reading the Google patent titled “Clustering Queries for Image Search” by Yushi...
Improving PageSpeed on your WordPress website can be a challenging endeavour, but it is possible. In this post, I will show you each step...
Google search results go way beyond the regular 10 blue links. Ever wondered how the enrichments (or snippets) are displayed in search engine results?...
You have created a repository on Github and want to create a local copy on your computer? We will use the git clone command...
In this tutorial, we will combine the queries extracted from Google Search Console data into TF-IDF word vectors. This tutorial is Part-2 of a...
This guide will show you how to install MySQL and PHPMyAdmin With XAMPP. What is Xampp? Xampp is a useful Apache distribution installer that...
This introduction to machine learning tutorial will give you the theory and the tools to help you learn what is machine learning, What is...
Boosting is an ensemble learning method used in supervised learning that converts weak learners into strong learners by having each predictor fix the errors...
In this project, we will learn how to use Python to cluster URLs from Google Search Console by analysing the queries that each page...
Regression in machine learning is a supervised learning approach in which computer programs try to make predictions on continuous variables. Simply put, the goal...
Supervised learning defines an algorithm used in machine learning to train models based on labelled data. To learn, computers need to be trained. There...
Scikit-learn, or sklearn, is a machine learning library widely used in the data science community for supervised learning and unsupervised learning. What is Scikit-learn?...
Data preprocessing is an important step in the machine learning workflow. The quality of the data makes the difference between a good model and...
We are far from the 10 blue links. Rich results are dominating the search engine result pages (SERPs). There are 4 main ways SEOs...
TF-IDF, or term frequency-inverse document frequency, is a statistical measure used in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval that evaluates how relevant is a...