Learn Git and Github (Complete Guide)

Web developers need to learn Git and Github. That is a no brainer.

There are also good reasons for others working in the web to start learning how to use Github.

Why Use Git and Github?

  1. It is a fantastic way to collaborate on web projects.
  2. You’ll always have a backup what you are working on and will never loose previous versions of your work.
  3. You’ll grow faster by being able to leverage code written by others to build your own projects.

Getting Started With Git

My advice to you is to use VSCode with Github as is makes it easier to work projects and commit to Github without remembering all the commands.

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It is good to learn those commands anyway to understand better how to use version control.

Become a Git Master

Although very powerful, Git is very complex. I highly recommend that you follow Datacamp’s Git course to really become comfortable with Git commands and avoid painful mistakes.

Version Control with Git and Github Tutorial

In this course on version control using Git and Github you will learn:

  • How to Get Started with Git and Github
  • Version Control and Git Basics
  • How to Use Git and Github
  • How to use Git and Github with VSCode
  • More Advanced Git Tips…

Getting Started with Git and Github

Installing Git on Mac and Windows

How to Install Git on Windows and Mac OS X (with Example)

Git is a version control tool that allows you to manage versions of your files on your local machine. To be able to use it

Get Started With Github

Github is a cloud based Git repository hosting platform. Github will be of great use when trying to do SEO automation and Machine Learning projects.

Setting Up Git For the First Time (git config)

The Git configuration file is used to store the configuration of a git repository. If you have never used Git before, you likely need to

Basics of Git and Version Control

What is Version Control

A version control system is a tool to help developers manage changes made to files and directories. There are multiple version control systems, but in

What is Staging in Git

Staging in Git means to change the state of a modified file to an intermediate step called staged, ready to be committed. Git has a

What is a Git Repository

A git repository is the location where is stored the data related to your files, directories and git history for a Git Project. In this

What is Git

Git is a version control system for tracking changes made to source code over time. How do programmers keep track of different versions of their

How to Use Git and Github

enable two factor authentication (2fa) on Github

How to Enable 2FA on your Github Account (Two-Factor Authentication)

In early 2024, Github will require its users to configure two-factor authentication (2FA) on its platform. Depending on your account, the due date may vary.

How to Connect VS Code to Github with 2FA and Personal Access Token (with Example)

If you have set up Github with two-factor authentication (2FA), you may want to connect Visual Studio Code (VS Code). To configure VS Code to

Git Pull Requests: Fork and Merge a Repository (step-by-step) on Github

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple pull request on Github. For this to be clearer, I have my friend’s account
Create and Delete a Git Branch from Github

Create an Delete a Branch on Github Repository

In this tutorial, we will learn how to easily create or delete branches from a Git Repository on Github. What Are Branches? Branches are virtual

How to Push Code to Github (Git Bash Example)

Here is how you can upload a file or a folder to your Github repository using Git Bash. To push code to a Github Repository,
how to clone a github repository on windows

Clone a Github Repository on Your Computer (with Example) – Windows

You have created a repository on Github and want to create a local copy on your computer? We will use the git clone command in

How to use Git and Github With VSCode

How to Create a Github Repository from VS Code (Example)

This post will show you how to create a repository on Github.

How to Clone a Github Repository with VS Code (Example)

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a code editor that helps you to develop, run and debug code with built-in syntax highlighting, code completion and commit
Install Git and Github in Visual Studio Code

How to Install Git and Github in VSCode (with Example)

The first step to being able to use Github with VSCode is to set-up Git on your computer and enable in it VSCode. This post
Commit and Push to github from vscode

How to Commit and Push Code to Github Repository (VS Code Example)

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a code editor that helps you to develop, run and debug code with built-in syntax highlighting, code completion and commit

Advanced Tips and Other Git Commands

How to Create a Gitignore File in VS Code (with Example)

The .gitignore file is useful to specify what you want, and what you don’t want to be committed to Github.

How to Clone a Git Repository with Git Clone (Remote and Local) Examples

In this tutorial, you will learn about how to use the git clone command to clone an existing repository from a remote. Cloning a repository

What is the Git Diff Command (with Examples)

Git diff is a Git command that can be used to compare differences between files. The git diff command runs a diff function on the

How to Use Gitignore to Ignore Files in Github (with .gitignore Template)

The .gitignore file is useful to specify what you want, and what you don’t want to be committed to Github.

Why Use Git and Version Control

Git version control is used by organizations to improve collaboration and keep track of different versions of code. Machine learning engineers, data scientists, web developers, software engineers and even marketers thus use version control to maintain their projects.

Git in Data Science and Machine Learning

Git is a must have tool in Data Science to keep track of code changes. However, it also comes with its set of challenges. Git can’t store comprehensive machine learning model details, making it challenging to manage and compare experiment results. Also, relying on Git for experiment logging requires manual documentation maintenance, whereas an ideal approach would involve self-logging experiments that capture all relevant information.

Interesting Work in the Git Community

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