The 6 BEST Github Repository to learn Data Science (for FREE)

There are a lot of free Github repositories out there to learn Machine Learning and Data Science.

Here are the BEST 6 Free repositories available on Github to learn data science.

6 Best FREE Repositories to Learn Data Science

1. Microsoft’s Machine Learning for Beginners

Microsoft – Machine Learning for Beginners – A Curriculum

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Microsoft’s hands-on Machine learning curriculum for beginners


2. Complete Machine Learning Package

Complete Machine Learning Package

Comprehensive repository containing 35 notebooks on Python programming, data manipulation, data analysis, data visualization, data cleaning, classical machine learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing(NLP).


3. Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow

Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow

These are the notebooks from Aurélien Géron’s hands-on machine learning book.

4. Deep Learning Drizzle

Deep Learning Drizzle

A list of publicly available deep learning classes by various universities.

5. Awesome Machine Learning

Awesome Machine Learning

A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries and software (by language).

6. 500+ Artificial Intelligence Project List with Code

500+ Artificial Intelligence Project List with Code

The name says what it is. This is the most comprehensive list of Github repositories and lessons that you can find out there.


These contributions are thanks to the incredible value of the data science open-source community. Make sure to give back to the producers and the machine learning community.

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