Mirror a Webpage on NGrok with Python and Wget

In this post, we are going to see how to make a mirror of a web page or even your entire website with Wget and Python. Then, we will run the mirror on Ngrok to make a public URL.

That way you will be able to make changes and test it in any tool: Screaming Frog, GTMetrix, Google tools (lighthouse, mobile-friendly test, Rich Results,…), or most other tools.

For example, I could test the structured data implementation before sending it to the web developers for implementation.

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You will need to install Python first.

Install Ngrok and Wget

On Mac

We will install both packages using Homebrew.

Open Terminal and run:

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
$ brew install wget
$ brew cask install ngrok

On Windows

To install Ngrok on Windows according to Twilio.

  1. Download the ngrok ZIP file
  2. Unzip the ngrok.exe file
  3. Place the ngrok.exe in a folder of your choosing
  4. Make sure the folder is in your PATH environment variable

Read this guide to install Wget on Windows.

Extract Web pages with Wget

WGET is a free tool to crawl websites and download files via the command line. We are going to use it to download files from a website to make a copy on NGrok.

Extract a single Web Page

Open the Terminal and run:

$ wget -E -H -k -K -p --convert-links https://www.example.com/path

Extract Multiple URLs

Add all urls in a urls.txt file.


Then, open the Terminal and run this command.

$ wget -E -H -k -K -p --convert-links -i urls.txt

Run a Python Server

$ python -m http.server

Run Ngrok

To run Ngrok on the server you created, you need to open another Terminal.

In the second Terminal, run this command.

$ ngrok http

Copy the forwarding URL in your browser and that’s it.


This is it. If you go to the Ngrok url, you now have a public URL that you can use to test in any tool.

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