How to Create a Repository on Github

A repository on Github is like a folder that lets you organise your project. It contains all the files and versions for that specific project. This post will show you how to create a repository on Github.

Follow this article instead if you are trying to create a Github repository from VS Code.

Create a Repository From Github

Create your first repository on Github by following these simple steps.

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  1. Create a Project: Click on “New repository” in the top right of the page;
  2. Give your repository a name;
  3. Initialize this repository with a README;
  4. Create Your Github Repository: Click on “Create repository”
First repository created on Github

If you want detailed steps, read this post that tells you how to create a repository on Github.

1. Create a Project

Click on “Start a project” or click on “New repository” in the top right of the page.

2. Give your repository a name

Now give a name to your repository. Make it clear, so you can remember what is all about. As you work on multiple projects, and change organisations, you might start feeling confused. I tend to organise by tool I use (Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Screaming Frog, etc.)

Make it private if you want.

3. Initialize this repository with a README

This is only to make it shorter. The Readme will let you add information about what you project is about.

4. Create Your Github Repository

Click on “Create repository”.

Create your first repository on Github
Create your first repository on Github

Congratulations! You have created your first repo!

First repository created on Github

Other Version Control with Git and Github Posts

Learn Git and Github (Complete Guide)
Basics of Version Control
How to Use Git and Github with VSCode
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