I have created a free bookmarklet to help automate the URL Removal Tool

Adding the Bookmarklet

To add a bookmarklet, right-click on the bookmark bar.

Click on “Add Page…”

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Add a name and copy this code in the bookmarklet.

Don’t worry, this is simple, I didn’t add any bad tracking of your stuff in there, simple thing I built for myself and sharing with you.

javascript:(function() {    const fileInput = document.createElement('input');    fileInput.type = 'file';    fileInput.accept = '.txt';    fileInput.style.display = 'none';    document.body.appendChild(fileInput);    fileInput.addEventListener('change', function(event) {        const file = event.target.files[0];        if (!file) return alert("No file selected.");        const reader = new FileReader();        reader.onload = function() {            const urls = reader.result.split("\n").map(url => url.trim()).filter(url => url);            if (!urls.length) return alert("No valid URLs found.");            submitUrlRemovals(urls);        };        reader.readAsText(file);    });    fileInput.click();    function submitUrlRemovals(urls) {        let currentIndex = 0;        function processNextUrl() {            if (currentIndex >= urls.length) {                console.log("All URLs processed.");                return;            }            const url = urls[currentIndex];            console.log(`Processing URL ${currentIndex + 1}/${urls.length}: ${url}`);            const newRequestButton = document.querySelector('div[role="button"].U26fgb.O0WRkf.oG5Srb.C0oVfc.ZGldwb.M9Bg4d');            if (newRequestButton && newRequestButton.getAttribute("aria-disabled") === "false") {                console.log("Found 'New Request' button. Clicking...");                newRequestButton.click();                setTimeout(() => {                    const urlInputField = document.querySelector('input[placeholder="Enter URL"]');                    if (urlInputField) {                        console.log("Found URL input field. Entering URL...");                        urlInputField.value = url;                        urlInputField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));                        setTimeout(() => {                            const nextButton = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('span.RveJvd.snByac'))                                .find(el => el.textContent === 'Next');                            if (nextButton) {                                console.log("Found 'Next' button. Clicking...");                                nextButton.click();                                setTimeout(() => {                                    const submitButton = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('span.RveJvd.snByac'))                                        .find(el => el.textContent === 'Submit request');                                    if (submitButton) {                                        console.log("Found 'Submit request' button. Clicking...");                                        submitButton.click();                                        setTimeout(() => {                                            currentIndex++;                                            processNextUrl();                                        }, 3000);                                    } else {                                        console.log("'Submit request' button not found.");                                    }                                }, 1500);                            } else {                                console.log("'Next' button not found.");                            }                        }, 1500);                    } else {                        console.log("URL input field not found.");                    }                }, 1500);            } else {                console.log("'New Request' button not found or is disabled.");            }        }        processNextUrl();    }})();

Run the Bookmarklet

To execute the bookmarklet, visit Google Search Console URL Removals Tool.

The bookmarklet will prompt you to add a .txt file that contains one URL per line.

Each URLs in your file should contain URLs from the property.

For example, if you are on https://www.jcchouinard.com/ property in GSC, you will not be able to remove these URLs

  • http://www.jcchouinard.com
  • https://jcchouinard.com
  • https://www.jcchouinard.fr

Click on the Bookmarklet

Select Your .txt file.

process will automate in your browser.

Simply close the browser if you want to stop the process.

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