Sometimes you are desperate to remove URLs from Google, and none of the options or quick enough…

Let’s say you already have 404ed the pages, added the pages to be removed to a sitemap and submitted the sitemap, and still it takes to much time to Google to remove the page from the index.

You could have tried Google Indexing API to remove pages, but you quickly hit the 200 pages quota.

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    I have created this free bookmarklet if you are stuck and need to automate the URL Removal Tool.

    Adding the Bookmarklet

    To add a bookmarklet, right-click on the bookmark bar.

    Click on “Add Page…”

    Add a name and copy this code in the bookmarklet.

    Don’t worry, this is simple, I didn’t add any bad tracking of your stuff in there, simple thing I built for myself and sharing with you.

    javascript:(function() {    const fileInput = document.createElement('input');    fileInput.type = 'file';    fileInput.accept = '.txt'; = 'none';    document.body.appendChild(fileInput);    fileInput.addEventListener('change', function(event) {        const file =[0];        if (!file) return alert("No file selected.");        const reader = new FileReader();        reader.onload = function() {            const urls = reader.result.split("\n").map(url => url.trim()).filter(url => url);            if (!urls.length) return alert("No valid URLs found.");            submitUrlRemovals(urls);        };        reader.readAsText(file);    });;    function submitUrlRemovals(urls) {        let currentIndex = 0;        function processNextUrl() {            if (currentIndex >= urls.length) {                console.log("All URLs processed.");                return;            }            const url = urls[currentIndex];            console.log(`Processing URL ${currentIndex + 1}/${urls.length}: ${url}`);            const newRequestButton = document.querySelector('div[role="button"].U26fgb.O0WRkf.oG5Srb.C0oVfc.ZGldwb.M9Bg4d');            if (newRequestButton && newRequestButton.getAttribute("aria-disabled") === "false") {                console.log("Found 'New Request' button. Clicking...");      ;                setTimeout(() => {                    const urlInputField = document.querySelector('input[placeholder="Enter URL"]');                    if (urlInputField) {                        console.log("Found URL input field. Entering URL...");                        urlInputField.value = url;                        urlInputField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));                        setTimeout(() => {                            const nextButton = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('span.RveJvd.snByac'))                                .find(el => el.textContent === 'Next');                            if (nextButton) {                                console.log("Found 'Next' button. Clicking...");                      ;                                setTimeout(() => {                                    const submitButton = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('span.RveJvd.snByac'))                                        .find(el => el.textContent === 'Submit request');                                    if (submitButton) {                                        console.log("Found 'Submit request' button. Clicking...");                              ;                                        setTimeout(() => {                                            currentIndex++;                                            processNextUrl();                                        }, 3000);                                    } else {                                        console.log("'Submit request' button not found.");                                    }                                }, 1500);                            } else {                                console.log("'Next' button not found.");                            }                        }, 1500);                    } else {                        console.log("URL input field not found.");                    }                }, 1500);            } else {                console.log("'New Request' button not found or is disabled.");            }        }        processNextUrl();    }})();

    Run the Bookmarklet

    To execute the bookmarklet, visit Google Search Console URL Removals Tool.

    The bookmarklet will prompt you to add a .txt file that contains one URL per line.

    Each URLs in your file should contain URLs from the property.

    For example, if you are on property in GSC, you will not be able to remove these URLs


    Click on the Bookmarklet

    Select Your .txt file.

    process will automate in your browser.

    Simply close the browser if you want to stop the process.

    Steps You can Take Before Using URL Removal Tool

    • Add noindex to the page or return 404/410 HTTP status code
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