3 Different Ways I have Installed Wget (MacOS, Windows and Linux)

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Wget on MacOS, Windows and Linux.

How to Install Wget on Linux

To install Wget on Linux Ubuntu/Debian use the apt-get command.

$ apt-get install wget

And verify installation with the wget command with the --version flag.

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$ wget --version

How to Install Wget on MacOS

To install on Mac OS, first check if it is already installed. If not, install Homebrew and the use the brew install wget command in the Terminal.

Install Wget on Mac OS:

  1. Check if Wget is Installed

    Open Terminal and type wget -V

  2. Install Homebrew

    In Terminal type the following command: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

  3. Install Wget

    In Terminal Type the following command: brew install wget

Find the detailed steps and video of how to install Wget on Mac.

How to Install Wget on Windows

1. Check if Wget is installed

Open Command-line and type wget -V

2. Download wget for Windows and install the package

Go to eternallybored.org to install the wget package for Windows.

3. Copy the wget.exe file into Your System

Add the downloaded wget.exe file into your C:\Windows\System32 folder. Simply copy it from one location to the other.

4. Verify the Installation on Windows

Open Command-line and type wget -V

Find the detailed steps and video of how to install Wget on Windows.

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