In this simple reddit API project with Python, we will learn how to show random Reddit publications in the Terminal Shell when we open it.
I thought my Terminal was boring. I decided to show a random post from “r/todayilearned ” whenever I open the Terminal. Here is how you can do the same.
If you don’t know how to use Python, read my complete guide on Python for SEO where you’ll learn how to install Python and learn the basics of Python.
Create Your Python Script
First, I created a
script to call the Reddit API using requests
. All that it does is that it calls the API, and extract a random post in the subreddit.
import requests
import json
subreddit = 'todayilearned'
count = 1
timeframe = 'day' #hour, day, week, month, year, all
listing = 'random' # controversial, best, hot, new, random, rising, top
def get_reddit(subreddit,count):
base_url = f'{subreddit}/{listing}.json?count={count}&t={timeframe}'
request = requests.get(base_url, headers = {'User-agent': 'yourbot'})
print('An Error Occured')
return request.json()
top_post = get_reddit(subreddit,count)
if listing != 'random':
title = top_post['data']['children'][0]['data']['title']
url = top_post['data']['children'][0]['data']['url']
title = top_post[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['title']
url = top_post[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['url']
Customize Terminal to Run the Script When it Starts
To run the script when the Terminal starts, you need to customize it.
Open your Terminal
Go to Terminal
> Preferences
> Profile
> Shell
In the Startup
> Run
command box, add the command you would normally have used to run the script.
$ python /path/to/
Reload the Terminal
Now, reload the Terminal and that’s it.
Using Python, you can now have a random post from Reddit printed in your Terminal each time you start it.
What’s Next?
Get Top Posts From Subreddit With Reddit API and Python
Reddit API JSON’s Documentation
How to use Reddit API With Python (Pushshift)
Get Reddit API Credentials with PRAW (Authentication)
Post on Reddit API With Python (PRAW)
Show Random Reddit Post in Terminal With Python
SEO Strategist at Tripadvisor, ex- Seek (Melbourne, Australia). Specialized in technical SEO. Writer in Python, Information Retrieval, SEO and machine learning. Guest author at SearchEngineJournal, SearchEngineLand and OnCrawl.