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Automate Google Search Console URL Removal Tool (Free Bookmarklet)
Sometimes you are desperate to remove URLs from Google, and none of the options or quick enough… Let’s say you already have 404ed the pages,
How to Use Sklearn GridSearchCV (with Python Example)
GridSearchCV is a hyperparameter tuning technique used in machine learning to perform model optimization. More specifically, it is a class from the Scikit-learn’s model_selection module
Linear Feature Extraction Techniques (in Machine Learning)
Feature extraction is used in dimensionality reduction to transform the data from a high-dimensional space to one with fewer dimensions. Linear feature extraction techniques are
Non-linear feature extraction techniques (in Machine Learning)
Feature extraction is used in dimensionality reduction to transform the data from a high-dimensional space to one with fewer dimensions. Non-linear feature extraction techniques are
Wayback Machine (Archive.org) API with Python
In this tutorial, you will learn how to fetch the wayback machine API with Python in order to retrieve HTML for a specific domain. Shoutout
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